Marriage Traditions in Turkiye: A Sociological Analysis

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(Hardcover Edition)
Marriage Traditions in Turkiye calls upon written sources as well as face-to-face interviews with headmen, residents of the various regions, and friends as it describes the rich variety of traditions across various regions in Turkiye as well as changes in marriage practices that have come about with various historical events and eras.

(This book is also available in a softcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1264-3 / 1-4955-1264-9)

Table of Contents

Traces of Pre-Islamic Faith in Marriage Traditions in Turkiye
Forms and Customs of Marriage in Turkiye After Conversion to Islam
Family and Marriage in the Ottoman Period
The Republican Era, Marriage Union and Civil Law
Ataturk, Family and Marriage
Marriage Stages
Changes in Marriage Habits from the Past to the Present
Examples of Research on Marriage and Family Structure
Regional Marriage Traditions in the Recent Past and Present Day
Different Types of Marriage in the Regions
Interview Records
In Closing

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