Policy and Practice for Dementia Care in Ireland

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Dementia care is currently in transition and an opportunity now exists for a radical reform of public policy for people with dementia and their care-givers. This book provides a framework for policy formulation and implementation based on a person-centered social model of care provision. It establishes six basic principles for the planning and provision of services based on theories of justice that emphasize the importance of autonomy, self-respect and integrity. The model of planning set out in the book for Ireland can be replicated in other countries.


“…a very good empirical and critical analysis….The analysis of dementia prevalence, the evaluation of the present provision of services, family resources and financial costs are the empirical roots on which he builds a feasible and humane system of care for people suffering from dementia in order to achieve a full citizenship right for this group….Health and social services professionals and managers, planners and politicians will find in this book a very suggestive, rigorous and practical guide to developing policies and welfare programmes to help this growing and precarious group of citizens and their care-givers.” – Professor Gergorio R. Cabrero, University of Alcalá, Madrid

“This book illustrates how a solid application of classical principles of the ‘dismal science’ of economics can contribute to a better description and understanding of care for the frail older persons….it provides us with a highway for concrete progress and innovation in care….This combination of superior principles, solid facts and figures, and innovative and provocative policy advice will boost the debate in Ireland and is for that reason exemplary for many other states.” – Prof. Dr. Jozef Pacolet, Catholic University of Leuven

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. The Dementia Population
3. Resources for Dementia Care in Ireland
4. Family Care for People with Dementia
5. The Economic and Social Cost of Dementia in Ireland
6. Philosophy and Principles
7. Pathways to Care: Primary and Community Care
8. Pathways to Care: Secondary and Residential Care
9. Developing the Social Economy in Dementia Care
10. Financing Long-Stay Care
11. Conclusions
Bibliography; Index

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