Critical Edition of the Complete Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.

Author: | McGaw, William |
Year: | 2012 |
Pages: | 652 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-2917-4 978-0-7734-2917-8 |
Price: | $359.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
This is an entirely new and comprehensive edition of the Complete Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, edited by William McGaw. The work fills in a gap that scholars and critics have lamented for the past two decades and complements a full-scale biography published by William A. Sessions in 1999. Surrey was a preeminent courtier under King Henry VIII, and was regarded by his contemporaries as one of the two major Tudor poets (along with Sir Thomas Wyatt). He transformed the Petrarchan sonnet into its English form, created English blank verse, and he wrote the first personal elegy in English upon Wyatt’s death. No manuscript or early printed edition contains all of his work. This edition has been enhanced by more recent research and by access to more sources. As a result, there are fifty-nine poems, forty-four songs and sonnets, eleven Biblical paraphrases with two prologues, and two books of the Aeneid.
“McGaw’s edition presents us with a rare and precise accuracy.”
-Prof. William A. Sessions,
Georgia State University
“By way of William McGaw, a definitive edition of Surrey’s poems is at last available.”
-Prof. A. D. Cousins,
Macquarie University
“McGaw’s new edition consists of insightful observations about this poet, hitherto uncharted territory.”
-Prof. Deirdre Coleman,
University of Melbourne
"... has performed an invaluable service to sixteenth-century scholarship in completing this ambitious project. ... the valuable achievement of this critical edition is never in question. It showcases Surrey's work in a manner hitherto unknown and will clearly become a mainstay of Surrey scholarship for the future." -Prof. Andrew Hiscock, Bangor University
Table of Contents
FOREWORD by William A. Sessions i
Birthright x
Education xiii
Career xvi
Influences xxii
Legacy xxviii
Time of Composition xxxv
Method of Composition xlv
Textual Analysis liii
Canon lxxiii
Copy Texts lxxxii
Editorial Procedure lxxxv
SIGLA xcvii
A. The Authorship of ‘Gyrtt in my giltlesse gowne’ 161
B. Mary Fitzroy’s transcript of ‘O happy dames’ 167
C. Johannes Campensis, Ecclesiastes 1-V 169
D. Johannes Campensis, Psalms 8, 31, 51, 55, 73, 88 183
i. Collated Manuscript Sources 451
ii. Uncollated Manuscript Sources 469
iiii. Collated Printed Sources 473
iv. Uncollated Printed Sources 482
i. Texts 485
ii. Books 490
iii. Articles, Book Chapters, Dedications 494
Songs and Sonnets
1 When ragyng love with extreme payne 1
2 I that Ulisses yeres have spent 2
3 When youthe had ledd me half the race 3
4 As ofte as I behold and see 5
5 Geve place, ye lovers, here before 6
6 Although I had a check 8
7 Though I regarded not 9
8 O lothsome place, where I 11
9 Syns fortunes wrath envieth the welth 12
10 Brittle beautie, that nature made so fraile 13
11 The soote season, that bud and blome furth bringes 14
12 Set me wheras the sonne dothe perche the grene 15
13 Love that doth raine and live within my thought 16
14 In Cipres, springes, wheras dame Venus dwelt 16
15 I never saw youe, madam, laye aparte 17
16 Alas, so all thinges nowe doe holde their peace 18
17 The golden gift that nature did thee geve 19
18 From Tuscan cam my ladies worthi race 19
19 The fansy which that I have served long 20
20 Yf he that erst the fourme so livelye drewe 21
21 The sonne hath twyse brought forthe the tender grene 21
22 Such waywarde wais hath love that most perte in discorde 23
23 When sommer toke in hand the winter to assail 26
24 If care do cause men cry, why do not I complaine? 28
25 In winters just returne, when Boreas gan his raigne 31
26 To dearely had I bought my grene and youthfull yeres 33
27 Wrapt in my carelesse cloke, as I walke to and fro 34
28 Eache beast can chuse his feere according to his minde 36
29 Laid in my quyet bedd, in study as I weare 39
30 Th’Assyryans king, in peas with fowle desyre 40
31 The great Macedon that out of Perse chasyd 41
32 Wyat resteth here, that quicke coulde never rest 42
33 Dyvers thy death doo dyverslye bemone 43
34 In the rude age when scyence was not so rife 44
35 Norfolk sprang thee, Lambeth holds thee dead 45
36 So crewell prison howe could betyde, alas 46
37 When Windesor walles sustained my wearied arme 48
38 London, hast thow accused me 49
39 O happy dames, that may enbrayes 51
40 Good ladies, you that have your pleasure in exyle 53
41 My Ratclif, when thy rechlesse youth offendes 55
42 The stormes are past, these cloudes are overblowne 56
43 Of thy lyfe, Thomas, this compasse well mark 56
44 Warner, the thinges for to obtayne 58
Biblical Paraphrases
45 I Salamon, Davids sonne, King of Jerusalem 59
46 From pensif fanzies then, I gan my hart revoke 61
47 Like to the stereles boote that swerves with every wynde 64
48 When I be thought me well, under the restles soon 68
49 When that repentant teares hathe clensyd clere from ill 70
50 Thie name, O Lord, how greate is fownd before our sight! 73
51 In the, Lorde, have I hoped, let me not fele the blame 75
52 For thy greate mercies sake have mercy, Lorde, on me 78
53 Give eare to my suit, Lord, fromward hide not thy face 80
54 The soudden stormes that heave me to and froo 82
55 Thoughe, Lorde, to Israell thy graces plentuous be 83
56 Wher recheles youthe in a unquiet brest 85
57 Oh Lorde, uppon whose will dependeth my welfare 86
Translations of the Aeneid
58 They whisted all, with fixed face attent 88
59 But now the wounded quene, with hevy care
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