Benjamin Noldmann's History of the Enlightenment in Abyssinia, or An Account of His Own and His Cousin's Residence at the Court of the Great Negus or Prester John

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This is an English translation by John W. Van Cleve.

Baron Adolph Franz Ludwig von Knigge was born in 1752 in Bredenbeck, a small town in the Electorate of Hanover, a small state within the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. ...Adolph Knigge has long been familiar to German-speaking Europe primarily as the author of a deportment and etiquette guide whose impact there was significant. Otherwise, his activity as sole or contributing author extended to over twenty additional book titles, most of which offered readers a view of the world that was deeply influenced by Enlightenment thinking and liberal politics. -John W. Van Cleve ("Translator's Preface")

Table of Contents

Translator's Preface
Benjamin Noldmann's History of the Enlightenment in Abyssinia
Translator's Commentary

Other Literature - German Books