A Translation of Miguel Hernádez: Passiones, Cárcel y Muerte de un Poeta (Passions, Imprisonments, and Death of a Poet)

This book is the first English translation of José Luis Ferris’ Passions, Imprisonments, and Death of a Poet, a biographical tale about Spanish Poet Miguel Hernandez and his life before and after the Spanish Civil War. A controversial figure in Spanish poetry, this book introduces Miguel Hernandez to non-Spanish audiences
José Luis Ferris’ text is not the only biography of the Orihuelan poet, but is the most accessible for academics and the general pub-lic. It is well researched and strives to analyze the poet’s existence as it incorporates commentary from other Hernandian experts and from those that knew the goat-herder-poet personally. How Ferris’ book (consequently my translation of it) differs from the rest of the biographies is that it strives to debunk myths on both dies of the political spectrum that have surrounded the poet.
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Orihuela, 1910
Chapter II: First Stage: Childhood and Awakening (1910-1925)
Chapter III: Second Stage: Adolescence and First Verses, (1925-1941)
Chapter IV: Third Stage: The First Trip to Madrid Perito en Lunas (1931-1933)
Chapter V: Fourth Stage: Establishment in the King’s Court El Rayo que no Cesa / The Never Ending Lightning Bolt
Chapter VI: Fifth Stage: The Poet in the War (1936-1939)
Chapter VII: Sixth Stage: Persecution, Imprisonments, and Death (1939-1942)
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