Dr. Nirode Mohanty is Consultant on terrorism, GPS navigation, network architecture, systems analysis and design, signal processing, and religious studies for thirty years at State University of New York, Buffalo, the University of California, Riverside, and California State University, Long Beach.
2024 1-4955-1233-9 "The world is spiraling toward conflict, belligerence, and disharmony and is now going through an unprecedented social and spiritual crisis, class confrontation, calamity, and nuclear and terrorist threats. The rise of drug use, broken families, the number of single parents, the rise of school and public place mass shootings, suicides, and depression, the rise of sexual scandals among priests and media. The rise in the overuse of iPads and spartphones by young kids are threatening our home, society, schools, and the environment with vicious violence, menacing insecurity, wild protests, and rampant immorality. ...Based on the Vedas, the Upanishad, the Brahma Sutra, and the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedic values are declining." -Nirode Mohanty ("Preface")
2021 1-4955-0903-6 Dr. Nirode Mohanty describes how the Vedic view of perceiving life, and living according to the universal principles that are inherent to the philosophy, would improve the spiritual and mental well-being of the world in general.