Bendremer, Jutta

About the author: Jutta T. Bendremer emigrated from Nazi Germany to the United States in 1935. She was awarded an MA in English and Education from Brooklyn College. She taught in the English Department of The University of Akron in Akron, Ohio, for 31 years. She has published articles on bibliotherapy, aging in literature, as well as on Holocaust-related issues. She has presented papers at English, Gerontological and Holocaust conferences.

Women Surviving the Holocaust in Spite of the Horror
1997 0-7734-8665-8
This research is based on taped, personal interviews with each former victim. Their backgrounds varied as to country of origin, size of family, economic resources, education of parents, and length and type of incarceration. Many common denominators emerged concerning their strategies for survival. As well as the stories of the ten survivors, the volume includes a Questionnaire for Holocaust Survivors. This research provides insights into early traumatization, and will prove useful to scholars in the disciplines of Holocaust studies, women's studies, psychology, sociology, law enforcement, gerontology, history and humanities. With photographs.

Price: $139.95