Dr. John Malouff is Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of New England, Australia. His teaching specialties include behaviour therapy and assessing and teaching interpersonal skills. Dr. Malouff’s research focuses on adult reading motivation and evaluating the efficacy of problem-solving and other coping methods.
1999 0-7734-7876-0 Presents and reviews measures related to emotional intelligence. It includes scales developed by various psychologists, which assess emotional intelligence and important components such as self-monitoring, empathy, and openness to experience. The book provides instructions on administration and scoring of each scale, brief norms, reliability and validity information.
“At a time when the topic of emotional intelligence (EI) is gaining greater and greater relevance in the study of psychological well-being, this book presents a welcome addition to the literature in the field. . . . Due to the sheer comprehensiveness of the aspects of EI for which it reports on assessment methodology, this is an invaluable book for social scientists and students seeking information about assessment methodology for use for a n EI research project, or simply wanting learn what has been published to date in the field of EI. . . . It admirably fulfills a great need for an assessment resource in this rapidly growing field.” – Dr. Manuel Martinez-Pons
2006 0-7734-5878-6 This book examines the reading experience from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating concepts and research from psychology, education, and literary theory. Readers’ narrative accounts of their experiences complement the presentation of theory and review of research. Chapters in the first part of the book examine how evolutionary forces shaped predispositions that promote reading engagement and how reading helps fulfil basic needs such as the desire to learn, achieving an optimum level of excitement, feeling connected to others, and meeting challenges. The second part of the book examines how personality and cultural background influence reading. Chapters in the third part of the book explore the transforming effects of reading, such as changed consciousness and emotions and improved cognitive and emotional abilities. One of the chapters focusing on transforming effects of reading explains how reading can bring about negative changes as well as positive ones. The last part of the book examines research on maximising the benefits of reading and suggests strategies for optimising the reading experience.