Dr. Rothman earned his Ph.D. in English and American Literature at the University of Pittsburgh. He has been teaching at the University of Houston since 1967 as Professor of English specializing in English Literature of the Restoration and eighteenth-century.
2017 1-4955-0595-2 From the author's "Headnote": The abundance and quality of barber literature recommends the publication of various anthologies on the barber as a sub-genre of modern culture. ...This study provides and illustrative account of the barber in literature, as published in verse, in prose fiction, in the popular essay, in photography, and in art surveying, as well, the barber in commonplace news reports and in newspaper cartoon strips."
This bibliography is organized by historical period (from the 1700s- 2016) and contains author and subject indexes.
2008 0-7734-5072-6 This anthology presents fifty-five works that characterize Jewish barbers, describe Jews who encounter barbers, and identify Jewish authors who write about barbers and barbershops.