Dawson, Helen

An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name, and Place in Northern Ireland and the Living Language of Conflict
2000 0-7734-7711-X
dThis is a scholarly, detailed, comprehensive complication, in alphabetical form, of all matters relating to the long and violent conflict in Northern Ireland. It contains detailed lists and references to all important events, political, social and violence-related: these include lists and descriptions of all political parties; all paramilitary groups; all the major bombings, killings and atrocities; along with all political developments, initiatives and historical moments. Each entry is intended to be precise and factual, to give all necessary details while eschewing judgments or personal views. It places emphasis on the vocabulary generated by the conflict, with reference to terms of abuse, slang expressions, nicknames, and new uses of old words. It is carefully organized so that cross-referencing and inter-subject relationships can be extracted and correlated.

Price: $219.95