Bakay, Gönül

Gönül Bakay is an Associate Professor in Bahçesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her Ph.D. in English Literature from Istanbul University.

English-Ottoman Relations in the 18th Century
2022 1-4955-0973-7
"As the exploration of British-Ottoman relations throughout the chapters of this book reveals, the connection between these two major world powers has been multifaceted, fluid and complex from its beginnings in the 16th century. The records of the State Papers as well as several other sources including travelogues, novels, plays and paintings show that the 18th century was a particularly important period in the history of both nations. These sources also provide important insights into how diplomacy was conducted in both Empires in addition to giving information regarding British-Ottoman diplomatic practices and commercial relations." -from the author's Conclusion (pg. 172-173). Includes 19 color plates.

Price: $189.95

Marriage Customs Around the World: An Anthropological Travel Log (Hardcover)
2024 1-4955-1254-1
(Hardcover Edition)
"There are numerous types of marriage all over the world due to various cultural and religious factors. Although similarities between communities increased with monotheist religions in the past and modernisation in the more recent period, different traditions still exist." -Dr. Gonul Bakay
(A softcover edition of this book is also available: ISBN 978-1-4955-1263-6 / 1-4955-1263-0.)

Price: $179.95

Marriage Customs Around the World: An Anthropological Travel Log (Softcover)
2024 1-4955-1263-0
(Softcover Edition)
"There are numerous types of marriage all over the world due to various cultural and religious factors. Although similarities between communities increased with monotheist religions in the past and modernisation in the more recent period, different traditions still exist." -Dr. Gonul Bakay
(This book is also available in a hardcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1254-4 / 1-4955-1254-1.)

Price: $89.95

Marriage Traditions in Turkiye: A Sociological Analysis (Hardcover)
2024 1-4955-1255-X
(Hardcover Edition) Marriage Traditions in Turkiye calls upon written sources as well as face-to-face interviews with headmen, residents of the various regions, and friends as it describes the rich variety of traditions across various regions in Turkiye as well as changes in marriage practices that have come about with various historical events and eras. (This book is also available in a softcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1264-3 / 1-4955-1264-9)

Price: $159.95

Marriage Traditions in Turkiye: A Sociological Analysis (Softcover)
2024 1-4955-1264-9
(Softcover Edition) Marriage Traditions in Turkiye calls upon written sources as well as face-to-face interviews with headmen, residents of the various regions, and friends as it describes the rich variety of traditions across various regions in Turkiye as well as changes in marriage practices that have come about with various historical events and eras. (This book is also available in a hardcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1255-1 / 1-4955-1255-X)

Price: $79.95

William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelly, and Their Offspring, Victor Frankenstein: A Family of Rebels
2016 1-4955-0452-2
“The book specifically focuses on how members of this “family of rebels” influenced one another and became leading figures who played a very important role in society as visionary intellectuals…Drawing on insights offered by psychoanalytic critics, the writer shows how the rebellious streak runs in the family and shapes their artistic creations.”
-Associate Prof. Övgü Tüzün,
Bahçeşehir University, Turkey

Price: $139.95