Becker, Fred W.

About the author: Fred W. Becker is currently Associate Professor of Policy and Management at Florida International University. He has served both at the mid-level and executive level of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and as executive director of a nonprofit organization. He is the author of several edited books and numerous professional articles related to urban problem solving and/or privatization strategies, and has consulted widely on these issues.

Problems in Privatization Theory and Practice in State and Local Governments
2001 0-7734-7579-6
This study explores in depth the theoretical and practical foundations of privatization. The argument is that decision makers at the state and local levels have largely disregarded in the 1990s the issues of propriety and legitimacy that were so prevalent in the 1980s, and by so doing, have laid the basis for privatization to expand. The strengths and weaknesses of the various organizational types are examined; and based on this examination, the study outlines the elements of a comprehensive privatization strategy. It also offers a rational typology for public-private partnerships based on function, risk, financial return to the partners, and different outcome objectives. Last, the perspective shifts to policy issues related to privatization, an empirical analysis of differentials in salaries and benefits paid to employees of public and private organizations, and concludes that privatization has had a negative impact upon compensatory equity in the US.

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