Jowers, Dennis W.

Dr. Dennis Jowers is Assistant Professor of Theology and New Testament at Faith Evangelical Seminary and Assistant Professor of Theology at Western Reformed Seminary, both in Tacoma, Washington. He earned his M.Th. and Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Jowers’ articles have appeared in journals such as Mid-America Journal of Theology, Scottish Journal of Theology, Tyndale Bulletin, and Reformed Theological Review.

Trinitarian Axiom of Karl Rahner
2006 0-7734-5584-1
The widely-accepted Grundaxiom of Karl Rahner’s doctrine of the Trinity, “The economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity and vice versa,” functions in contemporary theology as a means of reconciling the seemingly contradictory claims that (a) God has revealed the doctrine of the Trinity to the Church, and (b) God has not disclosed this doctrine verbally in Scripture. Rahner’s Grundaxiom thus serves to legitimate theologies of the Trinity that do not presuppose the verbal inspiration of Scripture.

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