About the authors: Chris McHorney is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business and Public Affairs at Southwest State University. He received his PhD in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside. McHorney specializes in international relations and comparative politics, and is particularly interested in counterproliferation and voting behavior in Eastern and Central Europe.
Brian Bates is currently in the master’s program in National Security Studies at California State University, San Bernardino. His research interest include nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) terrorism; counterproliferation; and responses by the intelligence community to non-state threats to security..
2000 0-7734-7767-5 Examining counterproliferation as a global phenomenon, the authors use an in-depth analysis of the Counterproliferation Initiative to develop a theoretical model of counterproliferation for the 21st century. Arguing that existing counterproliferation policy is the product of bureaucratic competition, the authors propose several modifications of existing policy. In the second half of the book, they use four case studies (Cuban Missile Crisis, Persian Gulf War, Osirak Reactor Raid, and Sudan) to identify factors that might contribute to an effective counterproliferation strategy. More specifically, the authors explore the relationship between the strength of an intelligence-gathering apparatus and the successful or unsuccessful elimination of weapons of mass destruction. The study concludes with observations and limited predictions regarding the future of counterproliferation.