DiMattia, Philip A.

About the authors: Philip a. DiMattia is Adjunct Associate Professor and Director of the Campus School in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. The late Dr. Francis Xavier Curran was the EagleEyes Curriculum Director in the Boston College Campus School. Dr. James Gips is Professor of Computer Science in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Dr. Allan G. Osborne, Jr. is Principal of the Snug Harbor Elementary School in Quincy, Massachusetts.

An Eye Control Teaching Device for Students Without Language Expressive Capacity Eagleeyes with a Special Appendix on Legal Issues by Allan G. Osborne, Jr
2000 0-7734-7639-3
The application of EagleEyes as an eye-control teaching device for children with severe disabilities is based on a new technology that allows a person to control the computer simply by moving his or her eyes of head. This report has a two-fold purpose: to describe the effects of the EagleEyes technology on the development of communication among students with severe disabilities over a four year eight month period; to describe the use of EagleEyes as a teaching strategy with seven students who have no language expressive capacity and little or no voluntary movement below the neck. A major question concerned the degree to which each student could develop eye control skill sufficient to communicate and develop language skills. A second question is the potential for using EagleEyes as a teaching strategy for academic purposes. Finally, EagleEyes is examined to determine any impact on student sense of personal pride as reported by parents and other significant adults working directly with the students.

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