Salm, Twyla Lynn

Twyla Lynn Salm holds a B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. from the University of Regina. She is Director of the Greystone Centre for Interprofessional Collaboration and Director of the Professional Development and Field Placement Office in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina.

How Human Service Providers Can Collaborate to Improve Education: A Case Study of the Saskatchewan Schoolplus Project
2009 0-7734-4798-9
This study was designed to explore the meaning of interprofessional collaboration for human service providers from five sectors including teachers and administrators who work across sectors with families and schools. Lawson’s (2003) taxonomy provided a framework to interpret how participants understood their experiences. Three levels of participants emerged: frontline workers, middle managers and policy makers. Four challenges are presented that outline ways interprofessional partnerships might further oppress marginalized communities. The complementary nature of anti-oppressive thinking and interprofessional partnerships emerges suggesting that informed and shaped by critical theory and anti-oppressive thinking, interprofessional partnersips in a SchoolPLUS Context has the potential to become a powerful force for transformative change.

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