Hendrix, Scott E.

Scott E. Hendrix is an Assistant Professor of History at Carroll University in Waukesha, WI. He holds a Ph.D. with a concentration on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Europe from the University of Tennessee.

How Albert the Great’s Speculum Astronomiae Was Interpreted and Used by Four Centuries of Readers: A Study in Late Medieval Medicine, Astronomy and Astrology
2010 0-7734-3635-9
This study analyzes the readership of a work commonly known as a Speculum astronomiae from the time of its production in the mid-thirteenth century to the point when it lapsed from learned discourse to in the late fifteenth century.

Price: $219.95

Riot and Resistance in County Norfolk, 1646-1650
2012 0-7734-3915-3
This text offers new insight into the political unrest in East Britain between 1646 and 1650. New information is provided regarding the “Winter Insurrection” of 1650. New analysis connects these events to future uprisings in Britain and the United States.

Price: $159.95

The Impact of the English Colonization of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century: A
2012 0-7734-2658-2
No scholarship exists on the English colonization of Ireland in the sixteenth centuries from a post-colonial perspective, and this book seeks to fill in that gap in the literature. While aimed at academic generalists, and described as an introduction to the topic, the book expands ongoing discussions about the nature of imperialism, and whether or not there is a paradigmatic way in which it occurs that transcends its particular time and place. Ireland is a microcosm that when studied reveals how the contemporary world still shows lingering traces of colonialism. Hendrix convincingly shows how English involvement in the region forever changed the cultural landscape of Ireland.

Price: $139.95