Humphrey, Robert L.

About the author: Robert L. Humphrey is a senior lecturer in religious studies at Rivier College in Nashua, NH and an adjunct faculty member of the School of Liberal Arts at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH. He was director of catechetics for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester, NH, and founded the national Catechetical Renewal Network. His research interests include issues in Biblical archaeology and the rhetorical analysis of Scripture.

Narrative Structure and Message in Mark: A Rhetorical Analysis
2003 0-7734-6683-5
Students of the gospel of Mark have been convinced for some time that it is carefully structured so as to communicate the message its author intended, and a number of proposals have been advanced as to the nature of this structure. This book examines the major rhetorical strategies employed in the narrative in the hope of developing a suggestion that will gain wide acceptance and shed additional light on the message of this gospel. This study focuses on three rhetorical devices: chiasmus, orality, and midrash

Price: $239.95