Falk, Gerhard

Dr. Gerhard Falk is Professor of Sociology at Buffalo State College of the State University of New York system (SUNY). He earned his E.D. from SUNY Buffalo. Dr. Falk has also taught at the University of Pennsylvania and South Dakota State College.

Deviant Nurses and Improper Patient Care
2006 0-7734-5967-7
Describes that segment of the nursing profession who deviate from the expectations of the public in the performance of their duties. The concept of “cognitive dissonance” is explored in connection with male nurses but fits the entire study here because the very word “nurse” implies a concern for the sick and needy, which some nurses negate by their actions.

Price: $159.95

Man’s Ascent to Reason - The Secularization of Western Culture
2003 0-7734-6956-7

Price: $219.95

Study of Social Change in Six American Institutions during the Twentieth Century
1993 0-7734-9358-1
The six institutions discussed are family, religion, education, government, medicine and economics. This corresponds to the content of sociology courses as taught in universities, and has the merit of reviewing the condition of each of these institutions in light of the 1990 census or of statistics gathered since then. The volume first presents statistics concerning change in such areas as immigration, family size, cost of living, age, ethnic composition, etc., since the beginning of the 20th century and before. The book includes interviews with older Americans who have lived through much of this century, and in each area discussed, interviews were conducted with persons most qualified to speak to each topic. The book also shows the relationship of these institutions to each other, employing functional analysis, and concludes with some predictions for future changes in American life during the remainder of the century. A useful bibliography containing over three hundred items is attached.

Price: $299.95

The American Jewish Community in the 20th and 21st Century
2021 1-4955-0899-4
This book seeks to demonstrate how a small, impoverished group of immigrants rose from the slums of America’s big cities to wealth, education, and political power in the course of one century. It describes the challenging and rewarding path taken by American Jews throughout the twentieth century.

Price: $199.95

THE LIFE OF THE ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL IN AMERICA: An Inventory of Tasks, Tensions, and Achievements
1990 0-88946-797-8

Price: $179.95