Mbah, Emmanuel M.

Emmanuel M. Mbah has taught History at the College of Staten Island, the City University of New York. A native of Cameroon, he received his Ph.D. in History from the University of Texas at Arlington. His work has appeared as book chapters in “Farmer-Grazer Conflict in the Southern Cameroon Grasslands of Cameroon,” in Wars and Conflicts in Africa, and “Popular Culture and the Resolution of Boundary Disputes in the Bamenda Grasslands of Cameroon,” in Popular Cultures in Africa.

Land boundary conflict in Africa. The Case of former British Colonial Bamenda, Present Day Northwest Province of the Republic of Cameroon, 1916-1996
2008 0-7734-5053-X
This work analyzes every aspect of the land and boundary dispute, tracing the conflict from pre-colonial times to the period of decolonization. The manuscript’s interdisciplinary approach combines elements of political science, anthropology and economics.

Price: $199.95