Didia, Dal O.

Dr. Dal Didia received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Binghamton. He presently serves as Professor and Interim Chair in the Department of Economics, Finance and General Business at Jackson State University, Mississippi.
He has authored numerous articles on economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Didia’s articles have appeared in several academic journals including Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Global Environmental Change, Southwestern Economic Review, and Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Ten Reasons Why Sub-Saharan Africa Has Failed to Develop Economically: Can Africans Succeed by Themselves?
2015 1-4955-0362-3
This book focuses on economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa and the factors that have been neglected in past studies but those which have an important impact on the variables of economic development, among them being culture, political instability, corruption, foreign aid, and brain drain.

Price: $319.95